AECOsim Building Designer Help

Floor Selector

Used to select floors and associated floor reference planes, and to make them active for modeling and placing graphics. Floor Selector also sets active floors among multiple Buildings and has integrated tools interfacing with Grid Systems. When the Floor Selector tool is selected, the Floor Selector interface opens and is docked by default along the bottom edge of the application window. It can also be floated or docked along the top edge of the application window, or closed during workflow. The Floor Selector can remain docked. When docked, choose a floor or floor reference plane from the pull down option menu and double click to set it active.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: AECOsim > [Discipline] > Common Tools > Toolbars split button > Floor Selector
  • Ribbon: AECOsim > Data/Reporting | Drawing Production | Modify | Analysis > Common Tools > Toolbars split button > Floor Selector
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Forms > Common Tools > Toolbars split button > Floor Selector

Options and Settings

  1. Floor Manager
  2. Set Active Floor
  3. Set ACS Rotation
  4. Align View with ACS
  5. Isolate Active Floor
  6. Grid Systems Manager
  7. Set Active Grids
  8. Grid Model Display Options
(Floor Manager) Opens Floor Manager, where buildings, building floors and floor groups be create and managed including the sub-floor reference planes, and floor information for projects. Floor Manager creates an Auxiliary Coordinate System (ACS) that looks and behaves like a system of floors in a building. Once floors and floor reference planes are created, the Floor Selector tool is used activate specific floors or reference planes. When active, all data points and tentative snap points are forced to the Z elevation of that floor.
Set Active Floor Clicking here displays a hierarchical list of all selectable building and floors, and displays the active Building, Floor and Floor Elevation when collapsed. The list contains all floors, associated floor reference planes, and typical floors and typical floor groups that are established in the Master Floor File (BB_FloorMaster.dgnlib). Floor Selector can be used to create drawing definitions based on templates delivered in the Master Floor File. The Floor list box is also used to select floors and associated floor reference planes; to make them active for modeling and placing graphics. The highlighted floor in the list is set as active floor. Floors and their reference planes are displayed by rows in expandable/collapsible directories. Information about each floor definition is displayed in a series of columns that can be re-sized. The list box includes the following columns.
  • Names - Displays the tree of Site, that consists of multiple buildings and floors within each building floor reference planes for the active project.
  • Rel Elevation - Displays relative elevations for floors and floor reference planes.
  • Elevation - Displays real world elevations for floors and floor reference planes.
  • Rotation - Rotates the ACS for the selected floor on the horizontal plane. The rotation displays most notably in the plan view by a rotated grid. The rotation angle is zero degrees by default. Unless the user changes the settings, sub floors and reference planes share the same angle as the base floor.
  • Description - Displays the description of floors and floor reference planes for the active project.
Note: Since floor reference planes are always relative to the floors that own them, Relative Elevations for floor reference planes never change, regardless of the active Floor Options mode. For example, the window sill reference plane height for a floor generally remains the same relative to that floor, regardless of a change in floor elevation within the building, or a change in the building elevation to topography.
Note: The Floor Management System defines the cut location and cut view using the Distance and Orientation option for Drawing Definitions.
Tip: Relative elevations are calculated using base elevation settings in conjunction with real world elevations. Generally, relative elevations can be used to compensate for differences in elevation such as topographic elevation between building floors or between buildings. The following examples are offered to clarify this.
  • A building is located at 325 topographic feet (99 meters) above sea level. In projects created by an architectural discipline, the real world Elevation would be 325 feet but the Relative Elevation of the ground floor would be 0 feet.
  • Floor reference planes are owned by the floor that defines them. Because of this, relative elevations do not change for reference planes regardless of discipline. To make this point using the example above, assume that ceiling height for all building floors is 10 feet (3 meters). When considering the ceiling reference plane, relative elevation for the 15th floor, it is easier to work with a value of 10 feet (3 meters) versus 560 feet (170.5 meters).

    In this instance, the relative elevation of the ceiling reference plane is relative to the floor that defines the plane.

Set ACS Rotation Used to rotate the ACS and the AccuDraw compass simultaneously. You can enter a rotation angle or select a rotation by clicking the down arrow, and the active ACS rotates about the Z axis by the specified angle.
Note: AECOsim Building Designer enables an individual, unique ACS per view. Floor Manager accommodates this by applying the floor ACS to all open views.
Align View with ACS Used to rotate a view to align it with the active ACS plane. The view is rotated so that its X, Y, and Z axes are aligned with the X, Y, and Z axes of the active ACS plane.
Isolate Active Floor Creates a displayset in the active view of all those elements within the active Floor range allowing you to easier navigation and investigation of complex models. Even elements that extend through this range are included. The pull-down options manipulate the active Floor's range affecting the inclusion or exclusion (in the displayset) of elements in adjacent Floors.
  • Active Floor Offset - Reduces (positive values) or increases (negative values) the active Floor range.
    Tip: Specify a negative value to include with the displayset Structural members or Mechanical components in the Floor below the active Floor.
  • Next Floor - Reduces (positive values) or increases (negative values) the Floor range of the Floor located above the active Floor.
    Tip: Specify a negative value to exclude from the displayset Architectural ceilings or Mechanical components in the active Floor. When pressed, the Isolate Active Floor button appears depressed. The "On" state means the active floor is isolated from the displayset elements in the set range. Press Isolate button again to turn it "Off".
Grid Systems Manager Provides quick access to the Grid Systems Manager dialog which is used to set the shape, size, placement, and appearance of all elements and components contained in a grid system.
Set Active Grids Activates grids by checking them from the pull-down list. The selected grids are made active and are available to view and dynamically display. The grids in the list are the current grid definitions available in the grid systems manager.
Grid Model Display Options Determines when and how the Dynamic Grids are presented. One of these options is always set:
  • Disable Grid Display - No grids are displayed.
  • Follow Active Floor - Only the grids on active floor are displayed. When another floor is selected, its grids are displayed.
  • Full Grid (Follow Active Building) - Only the grids defined for the active building are displayed. When another building is selected, its grids are displayed.
  • All Grids (Active Buildings) - All grids for all buildings are displayed.